Friday, February 22, 2008

Virtual Country Breakfast with Jilly :o)

Today in NC the weather is dreary , cold with overcast skies.....that's better than snow and cold in the Northeast where I'm happy not to be ! It's the kind of day to stay in my P'J's knit and fall asleep in the chair ....but first Breakfast with my friend Jilly who has learned to eat grits :o) with much prompting!

This morning the grits were perfect also the cured ham was soaked for a couple of hours to delete a lot of salt content.. a nice fried double yolk egg ( you can't get everywhere, we do in a small country store :o) I just love living in NC....I planted two pear trees three years ago and I make my own pear preserves from don't that sound like Country :o) I wish I were young enough to have that farm, ( until I think about snakes, I change my mind real quick :o( Put a couple of nice buttermilk biscuits on the side ( I buy the frozen Mrs B's , 20/pk. they taste as good as any I would make (almost) unless I feel like making my "Angel Biscuits" I could sell that recipe. Jilly you can have a glass of cold milk and I'll have that Diet Pepsi :o) and DH will do the dishes :o)


  1. Oh, Ginny...
    I would have missed so many things if I hadn;t met you! I do love grits and have them almost every morning. I don't even need the ham and eggs..just a bowl of grits with butter, salt and pepper.
    Thank you for all the things I have learned from you..and most of all for your friendshop.

