Saturday, April 12, 2008

It's a dreary Saturday morning here in Greensboro ...we are expecting rain and the weather is one that you just sit around or knit around and think about old times or what to eat next :o)..I thought it a good day to tell you the story of the "Blessed Tree"......
When we viewed this house that was for sale.....I took one look at the "Sorry Tree" on the far left and said " That ugly half branched tree has got to go" < looked like lighting struck it or something happened and I was too vain having something that looked that ugly hanging around....I wanted a tree like the one that stood in the Church Yard at home ( I didn't know the name of it ....but that's what I wanted and by golly that's what I'm going to get as soon as the money was right...(you know how it is when you move into a new house, a penny looks good :o)....
Well I fussed and fumed about that "Sorry Tree" for the longest time all into the next year....(it was in September when we moved in).I thought moving in was a blessing enough ...I wasn't going to worry about that "Sorry Tree".

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