Friday, June 6, 2008

Which is it?

Sometimes when you receive a blessing your happy and say Oh! Thank you God! Then it never fails or as others would say ....when it rains it pours....
Wouldn't you know yesterday with the heat rising ...the damn A/C acted up.....Craps!
always something thing out of my mouth is "The Devil is a B----". BUT!!! should I give him that credit??? Maybe the A/C went out so God could put me to a would I react to something in life that's a negative! Would I still be happy with the blessing I just received not even a day ago!Hmmmmmmmm Have I accepted the good days with the bad? Heck No!, I just want good days!:o)
The only thing that keeps me going is knowing "This Too Shall Pass". How about them words of wisdom :o) (more country talk).
I was really wiped out but I went to weaving class anyway....didn't work long , just couldn't get myself cooled off.
Every room was hot except my "Studio" , hubby put a cot in there for me to sleep..the heat was unbearable for me with hot flashes too! too bad I was too tired just to sleep and not work in the Studio. Hubby said I just wanted to sleep with the new loom. Yeah! right...

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