Thursday, July 24, 2008

Getting back to normal< such as it it!

Thanks to those that missed me blogging....I've had to gather up some energy from whatever it was that was ailing...just tired without doing anything that mattered.
I've got loads of things waiting to be done...laundry is always with me almost better than ole Arthur Ritis < Arthur loves me as much or maybe more than Cecil , sometimes he's a pain in the "you know what" I get so sick of him sometimes...he is always all over me. can't get a break from him no matter what you do...he even has the nerve to follow me even into the shower.. Now don't you think that's a little too brazen?....One of these days ..I'm gonna find something to get rid of him! He doesn't like it when I knit, makes him so dizzy he has to leave me alone for a bit :o)...When I lift my leg to weave ...he gets a little madder cause it makes him fall off :o) and the knees get a good laugh at him...but ole Arthur is a persistant ole cuss! he tries to stop me from sleeping at night...won't let me turn over without giving me a whack and he doesn't care where...he almost makes me cuss!!


  1. So sorry to hear Mr. Arthur Itis is giving you a hard time, Ginny. He can be a mean cuss for sure. I am glad to see you still have your sense of humor though. Hope you feel better soon!

  2. Hey Daisy, today far is the best I've felt in quite a while, hope it new medicine and the Vit D. might be helping already...Aleve takes care of Arthur Itis when given a little time to do so.Ginny

  3. Sugar causes me to have pain and getting off of it helps a great deal. I can send you a scoby if you want to try some kombucha for your arthritis. It is a good soda substitute and even though it is made with sugar, most of the sugar ferments off (in a healthy way) and the sweetness doesn't bother me with my borderline diabetes. It is very healthy for your liver and makes everything feel better. My allergies are better since starting on kombucha regularly. There is some good information about it in the book "Nourishing Traditions" by Sally Fallon. The website is also good.

  4. I recognize Old Arthur from Uncle Billy in the Mitford series - I'm sorry he is tortmenting you. Did you ever read "The People's Pharmacy"? They recommend gin soaked raisins (9 per day) to chase away joint pain.

  5. Ladydi, Gin soaked raisins! sure sounds good to me...I don't drink so maybe that would knock me out enough not to feel the pain :o)...
    It sure sounds good enough to go into a cake though :o)
    The water is tasting better, but I'm really getting "Pepsi missing sick" Ginny
