Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Super Duper Collards :o)

Would you believe these Collards....they don't want to die! and I don't want them too.
I don't remember what kind of Collards they were...I should have planted a whole row of them...Remember the older post where Cecil cut them down..they wee growing into seed tall as he ...and then we had some kind of beetle coming to snack on it was time to take them in hand by cutting them back....which we did ....and as you can see....they are coming up again and looking as healthy (hope they stay that way).
When I see Collards , I'm thinking of Corn bread to go with it..Corn bread with all the good stuff inside of it....onions, Jalapeno pepper, corn , bacon chips< I think I'm making myself hungry...but today I'm going to surprise Cecil and make him some old fashioned "Pan Bread"...(like making biscuits , just cook them on top of the stove in a iron skillet..< now that's down home cooking :o) And I'm here Down home in North Carolina..straight from good old New Jersey < Rah! Rah! Rah!


  1. MMMM, you're making me hungry! :D

  2. Sorry about that Daisy, but I paid for it ...I made myself hungry:o( and had to make a quickie dinner...home fries with Kielbasa and leftover Zucchini.but tomorrow is another day!

  3. Ginny, I have an award waiting for you at when you have time to drop by and pick it up. :D

  4. A friendly hello to you, Virginia! Thank you for visiting my blog, and thanks to Daisy for introducing us. I noticed that we both enjoy the same books. I have read the Mitford series twice, and my favorites three times. Good reading!

  5. Hello like to say I found another lovely blog. I came over for ladydi's to have a look. Beautiful and calm blog.

  6. oh, I bet your collards are wonderful! and your cornbread sounds like a meal in itself!

    do you like kale?? i tend to grow the kale and not the collards...where do you get your seed?

  7. Hello to the new visitors to my blog...I'm glad you all came and found we enjoy some of the same all come visit as often as you can and stay as long as you like ..there's always some tea brewing around here! Ginny B.
