Sunday, August 10, 2008

Watermelon and Peaches

We took a ride to the Farmers Market yesterday....I was glad to get out for a spell after being cooped up in the house feeling tired...I was still tired after putting up all those Pears....and wouldn't you know..I saw some peaches that I couldn't resist getting....With the price of gas these days I'm trying to elimate the trip to the store (that's the best excuse I could come up with for cutting out more work for myself, or how about "Strike while the Iron is Hot" < that's one my Mother always used :o) Or how about "Harvest in the time of Plenty" < I think I made that one up myself :o) sounds pretty good to me..This is the time of year when everything is ripe and ready and it's up to most women in the household to "Fill the Larder" never know if "Hard times are a comming"< (that's another good one..:o) I'm on a roll today :o)


  1. You are on a roll, Ginny! Thanks for the smile. That fruit sure looks good. Summer bounty is something to be enjoyed for sure.

  2. Hey Daisy,
    summer bounty is something to be enjoyed during the winter, that's why I bust my knuckles to get stuff done...I can rest later when the fruits are off the tree and are in a jar....Ginny B.
