Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Cecil eats the Last of the "Pear Cobbler"

Nothing beats a failure but a try....I tried making that Cobbler out of Pears, after all, if a Cobbler can be made out of Apples , and Peaches, why not Pears!......Well, that try was successful...in fact ...it was down right delicious... All I did was mix up my Pears with Sugar ,I didn't use Stevia this time, Cecil doesn't like the Licorice taste...and all the other spices I use..Cinnamon,Allspice,Nutmeg, Pure and Vanilla Extract. Make my Dough up, I use Kathleen's recipe....from "Eggs in my Pocket". only I sprinkle a little brown sugar on top and cinnamon,Stick it in a 350 Oven ( I like that temp for my oven)...I think the molasses in the brown sugar gives it a better flavor than just plain sugar....


  1. Sugar doesn't bother Cecil at all, he is always on the move doing something.walking...satisfying my whims :o)....I think I keep him on his toes :o) Ginny
