Sunday, September 7, 2008

Greens and Stuffing (Dressing to some)

It's hard to believe how much Greens shrink...this pot was full when I started it, and look how much it has shrunk....that's why you have to cook plenty...especially when they are fresh from the garden ...washed and prepared ...stuck into the freezer for a couple of days to fool them that they have been frost bitten :o)....
Fry up some old Country ham to use as seasoning< that's what you call good ole country eating ...(Is that a city girls phraze :o)
I used to stuff my Turkey with the Cornbread dressing, but somewhere along the line I learned that it wasn't as healthy to do as I thought or Ass-u-med :o) (that's a good word)...My dressing is full of sausage, nuts, and all the other goodies I I'm not making rice..I have a couple of cans of Cranberries, that's it.
I think it will be enough, probably be eating Turkey all week....


  1. I just wanted to let you know I gave you a blog award on my blog today.

  2. Well, thank you was a joy to receive...Ginny
