Friday, September 26, 2008

A Nice Surprise on a Rainy Day

While reading a Blog , I saw the mailman coming up the walk with a package in his hands, (gosh! I didn't order anything that I was hiding from Cecil :o( ...Well, what a nice surprise from one of the children ....A box with a pair of P.J's , a nice Denim shirt a box of Strawberry Tea (I haven't had that one before) some beautiful expensive yarn that I probably wouldn't have spent the money for, knitting bamboo needles and a couple of other little goodies,isn't that a nice thing to happen on a rainy dreary day to a Mom :o)
I woke up this morning with a bad stomach virus, had to have some chicken noodle soup for breakfast after four trips to the john...the package has helped to make my day...the rest of the day I plan to play on the loom....
I've opened the Tea it smells Divine and I'm having a cup right now as I type and get on with my day......


  1. What a wonderful surprise, Ginny! The strawberry tea sounds yummy. I hope you are feeling better by now. Very thoughtful of one of your children to send such a fun package to you in the mail. :)

  2. Daisy,the tea was yummy, and hit the right spot,with the weather change it gives my sinus a fit..
    Makes you feel good when the children surprise you..I don't think we have time for me to tell you about my kids :o)...Ginny

  3. Blogger wouldn't let me comment yesterday so I'm going to try again today.

    You raised some great kids! You can't do better than kids that send yarn, lol!

  4. Deborah, I'm really blessed, the one that sent the yarn knits too! So to part with some silk and give it too Mom shows a good heart.....Ginny
