Thursday, September 4, 2008

Oh Crapo! Never Ass-u -me

There I was..down on my knees...with my rear end to the sky...just knowing I was on the way to making life a little easier....well, guess what...the screws on the Lamms were way smaller than the ones on the treadles and the treadles is the one I used as my sample before shopping....
Don't that just beat all...never fails...get excited about doing a project and everything just falls apart.....
Back to Wal-marts for an exchange....oh another crapo! they didn't carry anything smaller sized ...Double Crapo! Now to try a small local Hardware store that Wal-Mart didn't run out of business....Hooray! they had what I needed, but not enough to finish my project until next week....Well, that beats a blank! be forewarned about the size you need if you intend to do this project...I took a cable needle with me that fit into the size I needed..and that helped the salesman...So all is well that ends well....tonight a quickie dinner ;o) Maybe tomorrow I'll fix Cecil something special....


  1. How frustrating to have things not go the way you planned. I'm sure it will all work out in the end, though, even if it does take you longer than you first thought. Hang in there, Ginny. :)

  2. That's the way it usually happens but in the meantime you "have to get over it"< and for me sometimes it's hard to do...I just have to bake something :o).....Ginny
