Sunday, September 21, 2008

The Teachers Wisdom

I don't know how in the world the Teacher (Sandra Duvall) was able to straighten out the big mess I had created! Not only did I wind the warping board with the pattern, but miscounted the rounds and had double the amount .....that was one of the problems, then I got so mixed up with the Blue and White Stripes in certain order, that I mixed that all up too!.....What a mess! I didn't know how I would be able to get the project going....I was ready to trash it and start over again....but my yarn would have been compromised at that point...and knowing me, I would have "blessed" it out and trashed it....Teacher said "NO" < let me look at it and see what can be done...Well, it was done! (of course the Miss Smarty pants I am ,had to tell the teacher how to do it :o) hehehe I just couldn't resist that one...that's bad , especially on a Sunday (and missing Church too, Lord have Mercy).
I worked after the Teacher left way into the night...and then couldn't sleep all night ...I wanted to get back to the project....I was so excited about it, I can actually see the pattern emerging ..and to think, I know what I'm doing thus far :o)
but I was too tired and excited to sleep, and didn't want the tiredness to fumble the project after it is going well. This is a shot of the progress...I think it's wonderful, Thanks again Sandra....(see the results when you listen to me :o) LOL


  1. Hurray! :D I'm glad your teacher and you working together have it figured out now. I bet this will be beautiful when finished, Ginny! Congratulations on getting it going again! :)

  2. It all looks very complex to me, but good for you for knowing what you're doing there! I love the blue and white thread and am very eager to see what comes out of that big contraption. I completely understand the problem of being so excited about the way a project is shaping up that you can't sleep, but don't dare work on it because you're too tired. :>}

  3. Daisy, I thought it was awful nice of the teacher to take some personal time for was greatly needed and appreciated...

    Ladydi. it is complex until you understand what your supposed to be doing and why..when you start to see results, it's thrilling.

  4. The warp looks good! You didn't mess it up too badly after all. It looks like the beginning of a kitchen towel? Or some fancy napkins? I can't wait to see how it turns out.

  5. It's going to be kitchen towels (or dust cloths if it doesn't look right!) and if they look that good, I'll put them up just for show :o)Ginny
