Monday, September 29, 2008

Update on Weaving Activites

It just seems that the harder you try sometimes the easier it is for things to go wrong!....I thought I was on the move with the weaving project...and then one of the selvage's broke, took an hour or so to fix that and then started working again and the other one broke!@##$%.....well, there went another hour getting that done and then two of the warps broke< I can't win for losing...I've learned when things aren't going right put it down! well, I did.
During the night it came upon me to "start all over"...all you have to do is put some new rags in and start from there like it's a new project...So that's what I did last night to "start over again" Starting above the two blue lines...You can see the "New Rags" look much better than the first ones, and they are tighter...and the pattern looks a little better (a lot better). Lets see how I go from here....


  1. I love your weaving! You're making rugs? I want to do that one of these days.

    Michael (turned 3 yesterday) came in just as I'd opened your blog. He saw the gingerbread house on your front page and said he wanted to visit you and "be with" your gingerbread house.

  2. Isn't that adorable, he probably thinks my house is one big cookie :o) with hills of Ice cream,and lollipop trees...with M&M pebbles as the walk!:o)

    Deborah, that's not a rug this time,it's how I was taught at class before starting to's called a "header"< I think each teacher teaches differently, I noticed your weaving didn't have headers!Ginny

  3. I use waste yarn as a header so it isn't as obvious.

    Well, if it isn't a rug, then I am sticking to my orginal guess of a towel.

  4. This is looking really beautiful Ginny! It will be so worth the work! Blessing, Kathleen also from Eggs In My Pocket blog
