Saturday, October 11, 2008

Banana Nut Bread

Today ended up with a few things done....the phone is fixed ....(would you believe I only had one call all day :o(......I had to get up early this morning , and it kinds of leaves me sleepy all day...I tried to nap in the chair , but the TV wouldn't let me...usually on Saturday there is nothing worth looking at except on PBS....and the good stuff came on later..I wanted to work on my warping , but being sleepy didn't seem like a good idea!....So I ended up making the Banana Nut Bread< this was made from another recipe, seems I couldn't find my old one .....I tried to use it with Stevia< but it was a regular sugar is what I ended up making it with...the birds will have a feast off the other...I think the sugar has something to do with helping the rise....maybe the Stevia cookbook will have the answer....


  1. I guess Cecil was willing to go to the store and get bananas for you! :D
    Looks yummy, Ginny. I love banana bread warm from the oven with butter spread on it and melting. Makes my mouth water just thinking about it. :)

  2. I have some ripe bananas and was thinking about making banana bread too. Great minds think alike again.

  3. Daisy, not only did I make Banana nut bread yesterday, but I decided to make some stewed apples with raisons today..(apples from the freezer)They were delicious and we ate the quart up in a couple of servings...
    Deborah,I needed something to give me some energy to get my weaving up to par like yours :o).Ginny

  4. I love banana bread and the way it makes the house smell while it is baking. Now I am hungry! {: blessings, Kathleen

  5. Ii bought bananas just today. I guess I need to wait a few days (and hope some are left) so I can join the feast! Mmmm.
