Friday, November 7, 2008

Another Good Breakfast to start the Day

What could be better than some
"Fish and Grits"
and a little Apple Butter, cup of coffee for Cecil and Water for me on the side to wash it down :o)
These were two nice Fresh Trout I found at Food Lion's on the way home from class, they yelled "take me home Ginny for breakfast" and I did :o)


  1. I loved all the weaving pictures and your breakfast looks yummy. I looked at the sushi I had left in the fridge from dinner last night and thought about eating it for breakfast and then decided it wasn't breakfast food. Inspired by your breakfast, perhaps I'll eat sushi afterall.

  2. Deborah, I'd trade that fish for Sushi any day for best sushi treat was in LasVegas by my Children in Arizona..they thought nothing of the 4.5 hour ride to get to it...after eating I know why! DELICIOUS!....Ginny

  3. Good Morning Ginny,
    I never thought about having fish for breakfast!! The grits would be okay, but I like mine with lots of butter and sugar, which ruins them for some people. Have a great day!

  4. Good morning to you too Dorothy, I like grits all the time with lots of butter :o) and sometimes I too have them with sugar (stevia now) and a little milk as a cereal..that's good eating too! You have a blessed day ...Ginny

  5. Lucky Cecil to have a wife who cooks breakfast every day! We have a lot of cold cereal at our house. Does toasting a bagel count as cooking?

  6. Ladydi, toasting a bagel is good with a cup of coffee or Tea in the afternoon about 4 pm before I start getting ready to make dinner.
    Or being from the North I could take it with a little cream cheese and Lox on it for my breakfast :o) Ginny
