Thursday, November 27, 2008

"Happy Thanksgiving Day"

Yesterdays breakfast was so good, we repeated it this morning..same thing :o) and just as good..
I've received a few calls from the children and grands...I expect more during the day!
In the meantime, Cecil and I aren't having Turkey or Chicken! we had enough Chicken while my son was here visiting and a Turkey would be just too much for the two of us!
Instead I'm spending my Thanksgiving giving "Thanks"...I'm thanking God that I had sense enough to save some Curtains that I made! I hate to say how many years ago...seems I can't remember but I do remember paying $17.00 a yard for them and spent quite a bit,buying almost the whole bolt... for the fabric...Now I wish I had bought more..they are still "Beautiful" and expensive brand new (they say "Antique") Last year I threw out the "Swags" they had had their best days...I plan on making more but one step at a time...glad I got my Serger back! I'm taking a break for the blog. Then I'll get the kitchen curtains up...Think I'll bake some chops, collards I have from the garden in the freezer,sweet potatoes and cornbread...and whatever else we snack on later...maybe some of those giant shrimp my son bought :o)
It's not the traditional Thanksgiving dinner, I'm still "Giving Thanks" that I'm having dinner, and a place to have it at "Amen"
Enjoy your day "Giving Thanks".
Don't forget to Post a picture of your Turkey! I want to make believe "I'm coming for dinner" :o)


  1. Your dinner sounds wonderful to me, Ginny, and it is certainly something to be thankful for to have enough to eat because there are a lot of people who go hungry everyday. I'm glad to hear you and Cecil had such a lovely day.

  2. Hey Daisy, hope your day was lovely too and that your Thanksgiving dinner was all you meant it to be...At least I didn't gain 10 pounds this year from eating too much :o) Ginny

  3. Sounds like a great Thanksgiving Ginny. I'm still recovering from ours, lol.

    I'd love to see some pictures of those curtains!

  4. Thanks Cyndy, it was a quiet Thanksgiving for us, another good time to reflect on our blessings!...So we decided it was also a good time to put the curtains up... I was a little behind in doing so because of not feeling well, usually I have them up by Thanksgiving...Ginny
