Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Yesterday and today was kind of blah! for me ....fighting this cold which I swear is part of the flu bug :o( I haven't done anything worth mentioning...too tired and out of it to even work on the loom....Tomorrow I see the Dr ...for a checkup..maybe she will give me something to perk me up.
In the meantime I've visited my friends blogs "Smiling with Daisy" who always seems to keep me alive by giving me a laugh or two that carries me through the day..
Today I had a good lesson in making Cane Syrup, I think you all would enjoy visiting http://deborahs31-13doings.blogspot.com/
Shows how much work there is in making Syrup from Sugar Cane..(Deborah grew her own Sugar Cane) I had fun viewing the happenings.....
Both sites can be visited from my side bar.....


  1. Oh, Ginny, I'm sorry you aren't feeling well. I hope you feel better soon.

  2. How lousy to be sick. I'm so sorry. Personally, I don't trust those flu shots and I will always remember this illness of yours as proof they don't work since I remember you getting one.

    Egads. I think I've been breathing too many sugar and molasses fumes.

  3. Aw, Ginny, I am behind at reading blogs this week. Things have been hectic here lately. I'm sorry to hear you weren't feeling well earlier in the week. I hope you are feeling better by now. Thank you for your kind words about my blog. :)

  4. Thanks Ladies, I'm feeling some better, I think it's more age than anything else...I just won't over do for now, until I get my ole warily self back....Ginny
