Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year's Day Meal"

I promised myself that today I would spend the time in the Studio with my weaving! Well that's the first resolve I've broken, instead I spent the day cooking! One thing led to another and in between cooking I watched CSI < all of it intriguing :o)
Anyway , Cecil made all his morning calls (an old fashioned custom, if a man enters or calls your home first thing it brings your home good luck all year) We can all use some good luck!.....
I made the traditional Black eye peas, Pork Chops smothered in gravy, some rice, of course some bitter turnip greens from the freezer, and Cornbread to go with that ...and some rutabaga turnips....I won't have to cook for a couple of days....I kept feeling someone was coming and I didn't want there not to be plenty! Cecil and I do pretty good eating,for two older adults. Maybe tomorrow or the next day I'll get back to my weaving.....


  1. Oh, Ginny, you always make me so hungry! We also had black eyed peas from this years garden. Have a wondeful new year! blessings, Kathleen

  2. Kathleen, it seems to me that everyone is waiting to see what I have cooked :o)...Maybe I give them ideas ;o)...I like to cook especially when someone enjoys eating it, I miss the family being near. Don't forget to watch for the mailman.....Ginny

  3. I had never heard of the morning call custom before. Around here people seem to think eating pork and sauerkraut will bring them luck. I am not at all superstitious, so we had potato soup and tasty homemade rolls, with raw carrots on the side.

  4. What a lovely looking meal! Yum! We had the turkey dinner we didn't have on Christmas and I am tired from cooking all day. I don't know how you do it so often. And I can't wait to see some weaving pictures!

  5. Ladydi, I think the custom is dying out with the older generation. Perhaps the new generation will start something new!
    Deborah, I like cooking especially when it's enjoyed by those eating my cooking...
    I promise myself everyday "I'm Going to weave today" but something always seem to inter-fer :o( Ginny

  6. I never heard of the morning calls tradition, Ginny! That was interesting to read about. Your meal looks delicious as always. Wishing you the best in the new year! :-)
