Saturday, January 17, 2009

Sausage, Cheese and eggs with biscuits on the side :o)

After you all enjoyed yesterday's breakfast,thought I'd feed you breakfast again today.
I'm getting down to my last container of "Homemade" sausage, this certainly was a good batch, it has a nice kick to it and you have the taste in your mouth for a satisfying time after you finish the meal...I hope somebody has some pork on sale soon....that's when I make at least 10-15 lbs of it....It lasts pretty good in my plastic containers in the freezer...That cup of coffee belongs to Cecil, I really had a nice bottle of "Rootbeer" :o)I mean Ice water :o(, that's just in case my Dr. is reading :o)Cecil let me drink it...I mean "Cecil made me do it". See how one lie gets made into two or three....ugh! I'm so wicked.:o(


  1. Ginny, I'm shocked! Root beer for breakfast?? :>} Okay, I promise I will make my family some actual cooked food for Sunday breakfast this week. But no root beer! :>}

  2. Such yummy food all over the place!

  3. Ladydi, in the morning I'm such a hot box! and sometimes hot coffee just doesn't do friend Jilly sent me a good recipe for Cold coffee, I think I might like it..if I do I'll tell about it..Getting you to make a cooked breakfast is a reward, and special if you fix grits :o)Ginny

    Deborah, Cecil and I love food :o)

  4. Ice water is perfectly delicious with every meal. :>} 0 calories, 0 carbs, 100% satisfying.

  5. Ladydi,:o( (with my lips poked out) now you've gone and done it! sounding like my Doctor. I was going to give you the coffee recipe, but now I think I changed my mind!! Me...
