Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Visit to the Local Goodwill paid off

I told you all in my last post I was shopping til I dropped, I've been trying lamp after lamp on my loom, near my loom and on my loom and it kept falling off and I wasn't satisfied....there is a plug in the ceiling that I could very well use some track lighting, but I'm still not sure I don't want to move my loom further against the I've tried every lamp to see what would fit....the Ott light is too short,and I like using it for my spinning wheel and like to keep it near it..... the other lamp I like to sit near the book case and read by it, I can't attach a fluorescent light, my loom wouldn't fit it seemed I was always looking for the lamp that would "fit just right"...We stopped at a good will, and if it were a snake it would have bit me, Cecil , bless his little heart spied the lamp and "Ginny did you see this?" No I hadn't seen it, there was an unsavory character standing behind it and I didn't want any confrontation with asking him to move, so I walked away from the area, thereby missing the lamp! must have been meant for me, it was only $15. and that price was just right :o)..the lamp would be in the $150-$175. range all I needed was some bulbs, at first I bought the wrong ones and the first picture shows why...I didn't bother to read the instructions on the inside... I'll fix that today, Wasn't that just the perfect blessing meant for me...There are some good bargains in Goodwill if your not too proud or what we call "uppity". Just remember "one mans junk is anothe mans treasure"...


  1. Lighting is so important; I find that especially true as my eyes get older. I'm so glad you got a light.

    Kurt was able to mount a light directly onto my loom because the prior owner built and extension to the top of the castle specifically for that purpose.

  2. First, hope your toe is doing better! It is always good to have the right kind of lighting and so smart of you to find such a good deal! Glad your back to posting again! blessings, Kathleen

  3. Deborah, I saw the light on your blog, and it looked good.
    Cecil isn't secure doing those kind of things..So I look towards the alternatives...I got 2-100 watt bulbs for the lamp, and it's bright,all across the loom...I'm a happy camper....
    Kathleen , I'm happy to be back for a short period before I make the trip....Ginny

  4. I am definitely not too uppity to shop at Goodwill! We have a brand new one an easy walk from here that is having their grand opening this Saturday. I also like garage sales. :>}

  5. Ladydi, there is nothing better than shopping at a good flea market or garage sale...and here in NC the Goodwill holds a lot of shopping treats...:o) I just love it....Ginny
