Thursday, January 15, 2009

"Woven Dish Cloth" or " Tea Pot Mat" :o)

I made my friend Jilly happy today by sending her one of my "Handwoven Dish Cloths", that she promptly changed into a "Mat for the Teapot" :o) and it seemed to make her happy in doing so and that's the reward...making someone happy.
I Don't care that she saw or found another use for it, in fact I'm downright happy about it.... I also think it's pretty neat using it to fit more than one use...
Just in case my girls see this, don't worry, yours is in reserve :o)
Just a short note about Jilly, we met on the internet around 1990, have never seen each other face to face (except traded snapshots), we both know where each others bones are buried :o) it's been a continued friendship thoughout these 19 years! Time passes so quickly.....


  1. Has it really been 19 years? How can that be when I'm not one day older than I was back then?

    I was so surprised when I saw the picture on your blog, this morning. Now I feel like I've been "published".

    It was nice to have my teapot sitting near me on your pretty mat while I read the paper this morning. It made all the bad news easier to take. ;-(


  2. What a neat idea for that dishcloth!

  3. There was a lot of good news too Jilly..150 people saved from Airline Mishap...Bush's Farewell speech hehehe and lots more good stuff :o)...Maybe you should change the paper you read...LOL

    Deborah, one good idea deserves another...someone will think of something else :o) Ginny

  4. Since I live in California, the news is not very good, right now. The state is almost broke and ..after months of negotiating..there is still no budget. Everyday another business closes...this morning it was one of our favorite restaurants and my favorite department store.

    But you certainly are right about the airplane crash...the pilot lives in Northern California, so that was some good news from here.


  5. Ginny, your dish cloths are lovely whether used as such or used as a mat for a teapot. You are very talented with the things you make with your hands.

  6. Daisy,where shall I send your tip :o) ...Ginny

  7. Yep, I agree! Your weaving looks delightful as a mat for the teapot.
