Saturday, February 28, 2009

Rainy Day in NC

Here it is after One O'clock and I'm just taking it easy...It's a dreary day and I haven't planned to do anything that would use up any energy...I had breakfast late..
Country Ham and eggs with Grits (grits are Ginny power), by the time I had breakfast Cecil needed I made enough for the two of us...(he has cereal if I sleep too late and he is hungry...That works out fine for me...I was good and lazy this morning...and slept laundry I have to do...and only my friend Jilly loves to iron...(more power to her,)..
Today I'm just going to sit my fat self in the chair and knit ...maybe I'll finally finish that one sock I've been working on since last year? !!ugh!! I got busy with the weaving class and let everything else go!...Knitting is relaxing...and that's what I need at present..and I can do that alone...Rainy days are good for feels so comfortable... I think I'll make beef short ribs today ...maybe a soup or short ribs with stewed potatoes with a little gravy and biscuits.....I'll give Cecil the choice...I might make another "Peach Cobbler" Perfect day to sit around and nibble off Homemade goodies...


  1. After touring the gorgeous west, and then off to BoraBora (via postcards!), you deserve a rest. Thanks so much for sharing all the amazing photos.

  2. Hey Ladydi, the good thing about sharing can re-live the places and things that you see :o)

  3. Everyone should sleep in and have a day off to do something relaxing once in a while. I'm glad you got found a good way to spend your rainy day.
