Monday, February 23, 2009


You often hear the saying "Today, is a new day" Is it really a "New Day" or the continuation of "Yesterday"?....
I'd like to say "A New Day"...but...Is it, or is it the "same o same o"?
I still have to do laundry...make the bed...and think ...what's for dinner since everything is frozen in the freezer...
Well, the winners of the Oscars feel like its a New Day for them! Some I'm sure were disappointed...but they can always wait for "Next Year" :o)
Perhaps I should be happy that I have laundry to do and a bed to make up...and that there is food in the freezer...that gives me a choice of "What's for Dinner"
It makes me think How many people would like to be in my shoes this morning, regardless of how worn they might be...
I think illness really gives one time to contemplate what's going on around them and to also be a little more grateful that things with them are as well as they are.
Some of the trials that people are going through today, Cecil and I have already been in that water, Often it was cold and sometimes so deep you swore you would go under!..but you kept swimming to reach the safe shore...and thank God you overcame!
We found helpful ways to survive... I don't like leftovers, but I will eat them,Especially if I use the energy to cook one meal to last for two days. I only buy what we really like to eat...and stock up when there is a sale on an item we will definitely want to eat...
There isn't much else for me to write about today, that would be of interest...So until the next time!...


  1. Lots of things to think about in this post, Ginny. Yes, I think too that it is a good idea to stop and realize how much we have to be grateful for. There are so many folks who have next to nothing who would love to trade places with us, so perhaps we should be glad to have the homes we have that need to be cared for. Yes it is work, but we are very fortunate. Hope you are having a good week. :)

  2. Daisy, I amost missed your comment, guess the cold got the best of me and I wasn't seeing too good..Ginny
