Friday, March 13, 2009

^$@#@#$%^& dab bling it!!

If you see an old lady running around the street in her Pajama's and tearing her hair out ...that would be me...please throw some water on her so she can regain her senses....
I was all happy and secure sitting in the corner in my chair working on the beautiful shawl thinking "what a good girl am I" I was going good for awhile, then all of a sudden once I got around to the purl row to make the 7 stitches into one..the needle slipped!! and there I was with a group of non formed loops! Alas, what was I too do? I didn't know how to rectify that one...and it dawned on me what the heck would happen if I was further up the rows and the same thing happened :o(
Needless to say, I panic ed right then and there...could I fake the stitch?...should I look for better instructions? Oh! Crap!...what's a girl to do?....I tried looking in my stash for another pattern that would satisfy..Nothing!....looked through all my Lace books , Nothing!....This girl has a one track mind...I've got to think of something..that pattern is in my reminds me of the fox I used to be :o) and come hell or high water I want it back :o)...Don't know what I can do as yet! I'm not afraid to do the pattern , I know how to do the pattern ...except if I goof the 7 to fix it and be able to continue...I may have to drop that pattern, but I'm going to exhaust every means and method first...Feel free to make suggestions that I may not follow :o)


  1. I don't know how to knit, so I'm afraid I have no advice for you. I can crochet, but I've never learned to knit. I know my mom used to knit sometimes, and she'd get upset when she dropped a stitch, but I don't know what she did to fix it or if she could fix it. Hope it works out for you.

  2. Dear Ginny, the secret to knitting lace is to USE A LIFELINE! I know it's a pain to put it in, but it really does keep you from loosing all of your work. If you've not done that before, we can have "lesson" by email.
    I PROMISE, you'll be happy with the results.


  3. Daisy, thanks for being there even if you can't help this time....

    Jilly, I don't think a lifeline would help this situation...I'd have to put one on every row, and the loops still could be lost....I'm going to send you directions and you will see what I mean...Ginny

  4. :>} Take a deep breath, have a tasty glass of ice water, and go for a walk. When you come back you will feel so much better. (After that you're on your own - I only knit really simple things.)

  5. Ladydi, you would have been a kinder soul if you offered me a nice cold Sody Pop!! after the brisk walk...preferable "Root beer"

  6. Dear Ginny

    A life line would definitely help. Put it in the purl row, then you only have to frog to that row.

    A friend in KY

  7. Thanks, Jilly@ Ladydi, for all the idea's about the lifeline...I've done that before and it's a help...

    To Cristy in Ky...The purl row is when I have the problem ...I'm going to hang in there with it a little longer...

    Something definely has to give, I'm hoping it aint me! Ginny

  8. Well all, the pattern didn't give, but I did and slept like a log because of it...the patterns in that book are not the easiest I've seen...they take a little more knowledge and expertise than I have at present...I'm going to keep looking ... I'm bound to find something else appealing and relaxing...Ginny
