Monday, March 2, 2009

It's a Winter Wonder Land :o)

While we slept like bears hibernating...Mother Nature was painting everything white!
It's a funny thing that one can finally sleep without waking...Cecil and I got a good treat last night...neither of us woke up at all last night (a rarity for diabetics) a good nights sleep...then a telephone call...ugh!...Rolling out of bed and checking out the window "Snow"..No wonder we slept so well, Mother Nature has a way of lulling you into a deep slumber that makes you un-aware of what's happening outside...that happened to us one night during a terrible storm..We heard nothing!
Don't know if the house is so well insulated...or the Creator decided we didn't need that extra stress :o) who knows! I like the thought.:o)


  1. It looks so cold. On our way to church yesterday, we drove through snow flying in the air. Nothing on the ground or structures though. At first we thought it was bugs in the air since snow is so rare here, lol.

    All that food looks so good. I'm in a food rut and need to try some different things. You are an inspiration!

  2. So very pretty!! We have had no rain and no snow this winter. Stay warm Ginny! All of that moisture is doing some good for your grounds! blessings,Kathleen

  3. Deborah,the snow is cold! but the Sun was out and it warmed the was pleasant...Different food is fun, but sometimes I go back to roots, tonight was Broiled lamb chops, mashed potatoes,and Spinach, that was my childhood favorite. Yummy

    Kathleen I put clothes on today and that kept me pretty warm, instead of being Pajama clad :o).

  4. Pretty! I do hope Mother Nature gets the memo that spring starts in just three weeks. :>} Snow is all very well in the winter, but has worn out its welcome around here.

  5. Ladydi, make some snow creame and be happy for it :o) ...Ginny

  6. Is that where you heat up maple syrup and pour it over snow? Not a bad idea, but we're plum out of snow for now. Who-hoo!

  7. I don't know about the maple syrup :o) all I know about making it is can milk, sugar and some vanilla...Plus I'm glad to see the snow leave...I had enough of it in NJ...Ginny

  8. Probably just as well you slept through it--feels good to be well rested that way! :D

  9. I'm with you on that on that one Daisy...Ginny

  10. I'm with you on that on that one Daisy...Ginny
