Monday, April 13, 2009

Getting ready for a Harvest :o)

Here is a sight that is older than some of my viewers :o)..It's my precious Pressure Cooker that is more than 40 years old...I put away a lot of food with this pot when my children were growing up...and I guess they can remember hearing the pot "sing" ;o)....especially at Harvest time...and the trips to "English Town" in NJ.
Those were the good old days...we all loved English Town...a favorite Saturday trip..
in those days you could give the kids a few dollars and tell them to meet you at a certain spot at a certain time just to keep a check on them and they would always be there and on time...lateness was not tolerated! period! If they wanted to go again, I didn't have to use threats at all :o) best mannered kids in the neighborhood :o) because they were mine :o)....Now back to the pot!

I hadn't used the pot since coming to NC...(almost 10 years now)...I like having food available ...and hate running to the I stock the freezer ...sometimes it's a little overstocked if the kids don't come visit...
Anyway I decided that I was going to "Can" this year with the Pressure Cooker...just to give myself more room in the freezer and to avoid losing it with the power going out...I think I just really like doing it and seeing the labor pay off...makes me feel like I've really done something...(told you I needed to have a farm :o)
Anyway..I had the pot looked at and all it needed was a new ring and the the thing-a- ma-gig that adjusts the steam inside...Now I'm all set to the meantime I had forgotten how much water to put into the Pressure cooker...the water bath means covering the jars...I thought was 2 inch's from memory...but I couldn't be I went online...on the phone..."0" got tired of waiting on the phone and no specifics online...Being disgusted I went through my old books (I do mean old as the pot)...Well , after a couple of days worrying about it...I decided to "Read" one of them and whadda you know it was right there on page 2...I could kick myself..Sorry to have rattled on, but that's my privledge being old...and you should respect that.


  1. My pressure cooker is processing turkey broth (from the bones left from yesterday's turkey) as I type this! I can't wait to see what you do with yours. We can inspire each other.

  2. It's a lot of work doing the things that make one happy to have. Stock that you know what's in way to keep healthy.I better get my butt in gear your already ahead of me :o)...Ginny

  3. I remember my mom used to have a pressure cooker too. She used to can applesauce and tomato juice, but I don't remember if she used the pressure cooker for that or not. It's good to know you found the directions you needed and that you had them right there at your fingertips all along. :)
