Thursday, April 2, 2009

Seems the time just drags

It's still rainy and dreary here in NC...I'll be glad to see Ms Sun shinning..
I've been trying to keep myself busy with a knitting project I've selected...
I still have the other pattern in my mind..(talk about being a die hard, guess that's me) ...I think I'm about one third into this is relaxing when I stay focused..Otherwise I have to "frog back" I don't mind...makes me a little smarter (if that's possible :o)...

It's a nice shawl..not as large as my white one..but good for a small wrap..that's what it appears to look like on the model...still a lot of work..but I think it's going to be right smart..and will catch your eye...the close up shows more detail, I think it's going to be real nice once it's stretched out and blocked to see the pattern...


  1. Very pretty. What is the name of the pattern?

  2. Ginny, your shawl is gorgeous! You'll be surprised at how much it grows once you soak and block it.
    It looks like you did a provisional cast on..does that mean it is going to have another edging?
    No wonder we haven't heard from've been really busy!


  3. Ginny, your knitting project is beautiful! That pattern detail is really pretty. Hope you get some sunshine soon. :)

  4. Deborah, the name of this pattern is "Lehe Square Shawl" it's as close to the Crown Prince as I could get.

    Jilly, once blocked I'm sure the pattern detail will really show off, and yes! provisional cast on was done, and there is more to it..:o)

    Daisy, the pattern detail is pretty and I can goof it up in a minute :o)...

  5. WoW! You accomplished a lot of knitting in a very short time. It's beautiful! I'm so glad you are showing us as you go along. (Did you work up a sweat?? Ice water is good for that, you know. :>})

  6. I think I might go positively insane if the rain doesn't let off soon.

  7. Ladydi,I have to laugh at you, yes! I kept a glass of ice water on the table near me and took good sips at intervals :o)...then had a sody pop to wash it down :o)...

    Deborah, keep those hands busy and you won't notice the rain..

  8. The shawl is just lovely!Have a blessed Easter. blessings, Kathleen

  9. If you've been knitting at the same pace, it must be finished by now! :>}

  10. Ladydi, I"ve been knitting in between the IBS that's been giving me a lot of trouble..I think I'm maybe 2/3 through it...I'm now at the start of the edge...P.S., I've never drunk so much water :o) Ginny
