Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Little Sugar Snap Peas

I got my greenhouse a little late...but decided to try and make use of it...and I tried a package of Sugar snap peas I had from last year...Well , needless to say they are preforming great...I was able to steal some space in the garden and on my side garden and these I planted in the box so if I could find more space..they would be planted there...I heard Cecil telling the Grandson, that next year he was going to dig up another three feet of garden space across...whoopee!...I planted that seed and now like most Men "it's his idea" < I don't give a crap as long as it gets done :o)


  1. Such an exciting time of year when things pop out of the ground and promise a rich harvest. Praise God! (Okay, and Ginny and Cecil, too, for all their hard work. ;0)

  2. Sugar snap peas taste delicious. I hope that you have a great crop! It's fun to watch everything grow from the very beginning, isn't it.

  3. Ladydi, it is exciting, and Thank God we find it so...we always say we don't want to go in the Spring..then it's too hot in the summer..and then the fall it's too rainy, and winter it's too cold
    :o(...I don't think we want to go anytime soon anyway :o)...
    Daisy, I sure hope they grow to maturity.,poor little things want a "garden spot" of their own, maybe next year...Ginny
