Saturday, May 9, 2009

Mothers Day Gifts a coming :o)

I Love these Holidays that honor Mothers :o)...I make out like a bandit in May...
Everything I celebrate is in May..Birthday, Mother's Day,..Wedding Anniversary (61) this year...
My Poor kids go broke in there are others in the family that celebrate birthday's and Wedding Anniversary's ..but because we are the "Seniors" we get the first goodies :o)...most to the time all the goodies..
I say like what's his name "Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what your going to get" :o)...Well I got a nice box with chocolates, fruits, cheeses etc.
From "Harry and David" not only are the items delicious..but the basket itself is a treasure..
The picture doesn't show all it contained.. the bottom was loaded with Pears (9) to be exact..the Apples showed on the top..


  1. Happy Mother's Day, Miss Ginny! You deserve the best.

  2. Ladydi,Thank has been a wonderful day for me thus far.. "Happy Mothers Day" to you too, Give yourself a glass of Ice water to drink....:o) since you have been so encouraging for me to drink more of it...Ginny

  3. What wonderful gifts, Ginny! Happy belated Mother's day. Sounds like you had a lovely day. It is surprising how much those gift baskets hold!
