Thursday, May 14, 2009

What a Day!! Good News and Bad!

...First...Cecil and I both went to the find out the cause of our pain.
both had levetee leven (that means many) X-Ray's of our hips, knees,and back..What a surprise..both our knees were in good condition...Dr said Cecil knees were better than some younger man :o)...Cecil's head popped to the ceiling :o) (that means it was swollen with pride :o)...but darn it ..his L.hip bones are rubbing causing him the pain..he is going to get a shot to see if that will help before we think about surgery..
As for me, I was given a shot in the hopes that will help, my pain is radiating from above and below previous back surgery...the pins are in place but a note of bulging is detected above and below them...oh crap! always something..the price of growing old..
Now the Good News
The Mailbox was loaded with good wishes from family (my sister in law) and Blog friends "Jilly" and "Ladydi"..The picture above shows the beautiful Quilted "Home Sweet Home" with little Gingerbread looking buttons, one is me and the other is Cecil..they are so cute and what a wonderful, thoughtful idea..Ladydi, your a good little quilter..maybe it's the water you drink :o)...and thank "Larry" for drilling the holes for the buttons :o)...You are training him well :o) (the devil made me say that). Hope you notice the FAT Bouquet, and I didn't skimp on the cake..I think I made it too big :o) Grandson doesn't get here until next week..Cecil will probably take care of this one :o) Thank you all for your thoughtfulness, what a blessing you all have been....Me!!


  1. Wow, the U.S. Post Office is really on its game. :>} I mailed your package Tuesday morning, and here it is Thursday and you have received it already! It was actually supposed to arrive on the day, but early is fun, too. That's what we get for the new rates. ;0) I love your peony bouquet - so gorgeous, and the cake looks pretty tasty (but a little light on the frosting- LOL). I hope you have a wonderful birthday.

  2. Happy Birthday and many more! I hope it only brings you the wonderful things you so richly deserve.

  3. Ladydi, lets not praise the P.O. too much they may raise the rates again if they know we are so pleased :o) was a pleasant surprise for me...

    Melodye, thanks for the well wishes I'm feeling pretty special about now :o)....Ginny

  4. Your peonies are beautiful, Ginny. And so is the wall hanging that Diana made.

    Hope you have a terrific birthday! :D
