Monday, August 31, 2009


Everyone kept telling me that as soon as I got the shunts put would be like turning on a light! Well, somebody didn't put the right bulbs in...I'm not turned on at all..I'm still tired!!! I can walk across the floor without gasping for air, but the energy factor isn't there!! I feel some better but C@#$ I need more than this to function..
Getting a crappy breakfast ( I have cottage cheese and peaches, Cecil has his flakes)
Lunch is usually peanut butter and sugar free jelly...Or anything that doesnt' take enery to prepare, broiled chicken (2days worth)..Thank God for "Meals on Wheels". Without them we would be starving or living with the kids...If you can make a donation to them..they are worthy!!
When I get strong enough I'm going to make a pot of Grits and YES! Country ham!! (that I'm not supposed to have...maybe that's what I need now to get my motor running..This Diet is the pits...I'm grumpy as hell!! Well, maybe I'll look back into my blog to just look at the good food and salavate...Ole mean, grumpy and aggrevated Ginny today..


  1. Awwww, I'm so sorry you're not in top form yet. I do see how the new diet would put a crimp in your style. All those great greens you prepare should be legal, not to mention tasty. :>}

  2. It is such a bummer to have insufficient energy for the tasks at hand. And diets of any sort always seem to suck.

  3. Guess I should be happy I'm breathing...but I miss my regular diet..I do get greens but they aren't cooked like mine, don't taste like mine..but I guess it's better than nothing until I can cook my own...

  4. I can understand how having to eat a certain diet instead of what you'd rather eat can get you feeling down. That diet is helping to get you healthier though, so maybe it is worth it. Find something else you can enjoy instead of food maybe. Listening to music or reading a good book maybe? Thinking of you and hoping things will be brighter for you soon. :)
