Sunday, October 11, 2009

Beginning of a New Family

I'm glad Cecil and I were here after all the illness to welcome
Princess Avery into the family...
You all who have children know how you pray :
"God, Please let me live to see my Children grown and able to take care of themselves"....then when they pray
"God. Please bless me to see a grandchild born"....then later you pray "God would you bless me to see some of their Children"
I already prayed "If I were a rich man", and would it have hurt if I were? ...oh well, some blessings is better than None :o)


  1. Having family to love is one of the best riches you can have, Ginny. She's cute as a button and her parents are glowing with pride. I'm very happy for you and your family. I hope you are still feeling stronger every day and that you and Cecil have a good week ahead.

  2. Daisy, guess I'm as rich as rich can be...I have friends that are blessed with riches of money...but it doesn't do for them what having children does for us...I'd rather have the children...King Midas was out of luck :o)...of course she is as cute as a button...she looks like me :o)..
    Deborah, I'm told she has a good disposition..I'll soon find out when they visit this weekend...:o)

  3. Oh, how very precious! You are truly blessed to see your grandchildren! Hope this finds you feeling better. blessings,Kathleen

  4. Such a precious bundle. Thank you for sharing your photos with us. How exciting that they're coming to visit! I hope you have a lovely time. And don't forget to let Cecil have a turn holding her. :>}

  5. Katheen,Avery is a GREAT
    grandchild :o) (4th generation for us), and that's a blessing!!!
    Ladydi, Cecil might be afraid of breaking her :o) that's what most men think, when given a chance to hold such a new baby....
