Sunday, October 25, 2009

Getting my Posts A%*& Backwards

This post was to follow the one below..I don't know what's happening , but I'm having a lot of trouble posting here of late...takes a long time and then it gets lost before I can finish..anyway here is an old fashioned way of frying cabbage with pieces of okra, after you have fried some country ham slices, or smoked jowl..or slices of prosciutto <(Italian country ham :o) (think it's spelled right) ...and when you cook it in an old fashioned iron skillet it tastes even better..All my iron pots are all seasoned well, from years of use. I think the men in the family will want them...
I'm a little tired tonight...going to bed early so I can be fit to exercise tomorrow...I was able to get my medicine and my Blood Sugar level was much better this morning...So I was able to ate good :o)
Today I felt like cooking so tomorrow I'll show you more cooking I did today :o).. The computer has worn me out...


  1. More good eats! There's always something good cooking at your house, Ginny. Sorry to hear about you having trouble with your computer. Don't let it wear you down though. Your blog post turned out fine. I think we all have trouble with computers giving us fits sometimes. They don't always act the way we think they should.

  2. Daisy, if I could smack it a couple of times maybe it would act right :o)...but knowing me and my luck,I'd probably break my hand :o(

  3. Good to see you back in the kitchen! I bet it smells good at your house. Have you been back in your studio?

  4. Ladydi, seems I don't have "Craft" energy...sometimes I feel like doing all of it at once...but here of late I haven't felt like doing any of it....Ginny
