Friday, December 18, 2009

A nice Pound Cake to Boot!

Then I decided to make a plain pound cake I hadn't made one of them in a long time..I was too busy making Carrot, Orange Marmalade and all the other interesting cakes...
This one turned out nice and high and tasted worthy of the effort...
I'm not expecting anyone, but just in case ...I'll have a little taste of a treat..


  1. Ooooh, the pound cake looks lovely, Ginny! I bet it tastes wonderful. Enjoy the snow! We are getting it here too. I think we only got two or three inches though. That's just fine with me. :D

  2. Daisy, NC isn't used to having this much snow. I will say that they are handling it pretty well so far...the streets are cleared very well so we were able to venture out...have to be very careful..Cecil doesn't need to fall
    and neither do I...I was lucky I didn't break something when I fell in the tub before...Ginny
