Thursday, January 28, 2010

Another Surprising Blessing!

Remember sometime ago I was complaining that I never found canning jars at any of the Goodwill stores! Well,a couple of weeks ago..I ventured into one and to my surprise there they were :o) I couldn't believe my eyes, finding them is a rarity.
I looked at Cecil and the look on his face was a little (she doesn't need to get involved with that now)..I took a couple of steps away..then decided that he would be the first one to open a jar of peaches and eat most of them ...So I took a couple of steps backwards and picked up the whole 14 of them and thanked God for leading me into the store on a whim! ..I paid $4.and change for them and I would have to pay about $12.or more in the Fall, if they weren't all gone by then..seems everything is going up, and I'm too fugal to pass up a good deal...I take it as a sign that God knows I will need them and will give me enough energy to use them.Nothing like a wise woman to take care of her larder :o)


  1. That is a huge blessing to find so many jars! And here is to energy - for both of us!

  2. Deborah, I got a good laugh, your right you need it to finish the move and I need it to maintain a life style. God will supply all our needs...Ginny

  3. What is more fun than a bargain? Good for you for finding those jars!

  4. Ladydi, I'd like to think I found them, but I know I was prodded into going there then, where they were waiting for me :o)...Ginny

  5. What a lucky find, Ginny! Now you need to have some good weather arrive so you can get out there in your almost an acre farm to grow something to put in them. :D

  6. Daisy, I hope we have the energy to get something planted on "the Farm" ;o)..Cecil is going to look for someone to till the soil for us...he won't be able to do that (neither will I)..Ginny

  7. Yep, sometimes men just don't see a blessing right in front of their noses! We gotta take care of it for them!

  8. Laurie, your right..I think wives are nothing but young mothers,who has to finish the job the mates parents started. :o) ain't I a smart one :o)
