Saturday, January 23, 2010

Three pretty cakes in a row :o)

It's pretty good when you can do two things at once :o)...I had my day planned out so that I could get the most done with as little time as possible..I didn't have to cook..I made sausage yesterday with peppers, onions, and tomato gravy :o) was good too! I don't mind
leftovers when it's something that gives me some free time..I had planned to show you the goodies..but I ate too fast :o(

Well, if I say so myself ..the cakes came out pretty good...two of the pans are about 25 YEARS OLD..I should have three of them, but I was too cheap :o(...and they soon went off the market...(or I haven't seen them since) they cook the cakes even and they brown nicely...then the 3rd one was a nice heavy one and I like using it for a three layer with the other two...when they cool I'll make the the meantime .. I'll prop my feet up and snooze in the "Chair Bed" :o)...Little Avery is being christen today...wish we could have been there , but the trip would be a little much for the both of us...Soon we will be able to do more...


  1. Well! What handsome cakes those are, and I can't wait to see the finished effect - well, not the diabetic coma part. :>}

  2. Oh those cakes look so yummy, Ginny! It's too bad you couldn't be there for the christening, but maybe they took pictures to share with you.

  3. Ladydi,We need to be horse whipped!
    That cake is almost one day..the cake was delicious, but I must admit the icing could have cooked a little was a little too soft...Ginny
