Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Trouble with my blog !!!

I've been having a problem with my blog..the url was deleted..I have now un-deleted it
hopefully you will be able to connect with me again...if not I'll have to try something else...Thanks Deborah for the "heads up" I thought I had fixed the problem.
No pictures today...I made rolls that came out real good and we ate them up except 3, out of a dozen :o)...I made some "smothered potatoes with pork cubes" (my own makeup dish :o)...After serving the bowls, I wasn't in the mood to run for the camera, while the rolls were hot! time I'll have it near :o)..
I'm still working on my blog, so please be patient...Me


  1. I knew something was wrong when I couldn't get your blog. This time it worked from your profile. I hope you work it out.
    I wish I could make rolls like my granny use to make. I just didn't learn it, even though I watched her many times♥

  2. Nothing to make blog problems feel better than homemade rolls! Hope this finds you feeling well. blessings,Kathleen

  3. Cici, nothing beats a failure but a try...I don't make them as good as my daugther..but I still try :o)
    Kathleen from "eggs in my pocket" has a good recipe for them on her "Country Kitchen" blog...It's easy and they work (you don't need the bread machine, just do it by hand...
    Kathleen, you know the rolls were good if I'm recommending them :o)Ginny

  4. Hi Ginny! I'm glad you sent me the email with your new url because your blog wasn't showing up in my Google reader. I resigned up as a follower with the new url, so I hope it will work now. Sorry to hear you've been having trouble with it. Hope things are all fixed now.
