Thursday, April 29, 2010

Today's Theme is Go GREEN ..Ginny's Greens :o)

Just had to take a look at the side garden and see how the greens have been developing since I've been stuck in with a  stomach virus for the last week or more!!
Man O Man what another surprise from Mother nature! The greens really took off! So much so I was able to share with a neighbor who was so kind to us on Thanksgiving!
I do love greens and so do my children and their children..I love bitter greens and had to Special order them from "Johnny's Catalog" (Broccoli Ra be) last year...We both had illness and couldn't do a thing about planting them...hopefully we can make up this far pretty good...I feel I should explain those flowers for those who know nothing about these greens...they are bitter...and the flowers I cook too! they help to make it more bitter and delicious to us..They are known as an Italian green, I give them a notch up cooked with my country ham and served with cornbread :o) I love that I have a row of them as long as the house :o)...Wonder where I'll put my collards hmm!Maybe in a flower bed in the front yard, heehaw! I'll tell people it's a Special imported plant from Africa!!I'm feeling like a little devil, got a little energy from a vitamin this morning :o)


  1. Wow, your greens are looking great, Ginny! Ham sounds good right about now. I'm glad to hear you are feeling good today. :D

  2. Deborah, they tasted delicious too
    we had them with dinner.

    Daisy, today I did feel much better than I have in a couple of weeks...I picked a few greens..sat on the Patio (still in my Pj's) and just enjoyed the day..Expect to do the same tomorrow (and maybe put on some street clothes :o)..

  3. Wow - a harvest from your garden in April! We have some peas coming up, but they're nowhere near ready to harvest. I'm so glad you're feeling better.

  4. When I'm feeling better, seems I wear mysel out :o( ...I made a cobbler today a nice cornbeef and a corn cassorole...everything tasted just like home cooking is supposed too :o)..Ginny
