Thursday, May 20, 2010

The Gingerbread House said...
HELLO !! I'm so glad I was able to find you (or myself)again...this computer is a whole new ball game.
I just kept hitting keys until I was able to get here...
I have installed my External drive with all the email addresses (and now I can't find or connect to it :o) talk about feeling like a dummy :o(
Any way besides the frustration, I'm having a ball with one of the kids that's home..and enjoying some of the foods you have seen me cook on this blog..
I'm going to sit in one of the instruction classes that Apple gives...that should help...When I make a mistake in spelling the text automatically turns red..thats neat O
Will blog again if I don't get lost :o) Ginny

May 20, 2010 6:26 PM


  1. Hang in there, Ginny. You'll get it all figured out. Starting over with something new usually takes some getting used to. I hope you enjoy the visit with your family. I know they will enjoy your cooking!! :D

  2. I love spell check, too! What's really fun is that you get to keep trying until you get it right. I rarely have to resort to the dictionary. I learned to spell archeology that way. I thought it should have an i where the e is. Those people in the Apple class will learn a thing or two from our Miss Ginny!

  3. It's so good to see you back!!!!

    I know you're having fun learning your way around your new computer..and yes, I'm green with envy!!

    Will be watching for updates...and pictures! :-)


  4. I am so glad that Deborah wrote this morning! I had been trying for the last hour to get to the blog and nothing I did was right :o(...I can't just put the URL on the I used to :o(...this has a "Dock"that holds programs on it and you add into whichever..whew! it's more than you think. anyway, How y'all doing ? I'm missing you..I've got some pictures that I can't show yet! not connected to movies yet! seems I can't open the address file..I have to make cards ugh! for each one I write..write me and maybe I can make cards for those that do...I'll be back..Ginny

  5. sounds like you are doing pretty good, you've got the important things, (like your blog) taken care of♥
