Saturday, June 12, 2010

Proclamation :o) for my 80th

Not everyone is so honored to have this item presented to them by the Mayor :o) I must say it again! 
I'm special :o)...and someone once told me
I was born with a Plus sign...and I believed it 
hehehe, I am truly something else...wasn't that a nice thing for one of my In-law kids to have done :o)
Here is the beginning of my "Herb Garden"
The box is together and the cardboard is down and I'm waiting for the topsoil to be delivered...and while I wait ...the herbs are waiting too!
The Dirt is here  (one yard, a little more than I needed so I covered the leftovers for another project..which I will show you soon....
Here is the beginning of my "Herb Garden"
I tell you this "Almost an Acre Farm" sure keeps this one busy :o)...maybe it's good that I don't have any chickens..I don't have time for them this week :o) I'm so happy to have this garden and hope it fairs well...I still want my little Cement pig..:o) That's enough pictures and writing for the day! I don't want to spoil y'all...I'm just trying to make up for the time I lost and get some practice in with this new guy...He goes pretty fast sometimes...


  1. Congratulations on the proclamation from the Mayor! Your little herb garden is coming right along, Ginny!

  2. Aren't you something, planting and harvesting, cooking up a storm, AND learning to use your new computer! What do you do in your spare time? :>}

  3. Thanks Daisy, it's all so exciting!
    Ladydi, what do I do in my spare time? I try to think of something for Cecil to keep him out of trouble :o)..ginny

  4. HA HA HA HA HA! Ginny, you crack me up! Thanks for the laugh! :-D
