Sunday, July 25, 2010

Hello on this Hot as Hades Day in NC

It is so hot today in NC. the best thing for old folks like me is to keep my hams in the cool house...(thank you God for a/c)..
Just because I'm inside doesn't mean I can't do something constructive (besides clean :o)..I decided to give "my girl"   (Me) hahaha a break in this heat ..
I decided it was a good time to sit down at the "Canning Closet" (feels good saying that one, and it was         work)...anyway...I went through a few doz. jars, some were Antiques with  the bale's and I   wanted to make sure they would give a tight seal..I have plans for them in my next canning venture ..I want to put some nice string beans and potatoes in them and also some soup for those days when I'm tired, sick, our just plain busy and don't want to make a big meal...I make what I call "Angel Biscuits" (they really are more like rolls..but I can't claim that title.. :o) I let them rise..then freeze then... I can add them to the meal straight  from the freezer to the oven and Cecil and I are happy. I found a couple of jars that I had forgotten I had..and almost lost them...when I was ill the kids called themselves "cleaning up" and I had to raise a little hell ..."D*** it don't throw my jars out, I'm not dead yet!" They didn't mess with me :o)..This one is 102 years old...Finally something else older than me :o)


  1. Your house is a treasure trove! You've taken very good care of that 102 year old glass jar, and someone else took care of it before you were born. I make angel biscuits, too. :>} Is your recipe the one that calls for yeast AND baking powder AND baking soda?

  2. Ladydi, your batting 100 this day. I think you should take a vacation more often..your as sharp as a tack! :o)...ginny

  3. Ginny, you put everything to good use. I like that. :)

  4. Daisy, nothing ever came easy for me and Cecil putting everything to good use got to be a habit..
