Sunday, July 4, 2010

I think I'm some tomato :o)

They say "birds of a feather flock together" well I've been hanging around these beautiful tomatoes so I should be a fruit! or maybe I better say something else..don't want to be a fruit cake :o(..

These are on on window sill 
and as fast as they ripen I put these in the freezer for soups okra and tomato's etc. (so far I've got 3 quarts of them.each day there is a  different yield,I'm in no hurry.
Here are my plum tomato's for my tomato sauce..
You wouldn't believe how hard they were to find..Seemed everyone was growing something else except these...I think they were a beautiful lot..
Sorry to say they weren't local...the box was packed in Florida...
They look pretty good to me :o) I'm all smiles ...I got 10 quarts out of 25 pounds...maybe I could have bought 10 jars of sauce..but they wouldn't be like these :o) I added a little salt, basil, and lemon to them before adding to the jars and processing.
Seems I had a bang up Holiday :o)  They will be great when the weather keeps us in this fall..:.o)


  1. Your Tomatoes look Wonderful and nothing tastes better than home grown. My Garden was a BIG FLOP this year so hope when we go back to the midwest we can do better.
    Hop on over to my blog to enter for free give away for $30.00 grocery card.
    I Love the name of your blog...reminds me of when I used to make GB houses to sell and taught classes. Maybe I can do it again some day soon :)

  2. I am now a follower of your blog and am putting you in my blog roll :)

  3. That sauce will taste delicious this fall and winter, Ginny. Looks like you've been busy this weekend. :)

  4. Daisy, I have been busy, but today I rested..Ginny

  5. Are all those green tomatoes from your garden?? I am so very impressed. You're way ahead of us. We have tiny green tomatoes, just as cute as can be, but will taste better when they get bigger and redder.

  6. Ladydi, I wish they were..but a local farmer :o) selling his crop and I'm buying them and letting them ripen in my window...mine are growing but not at that rate..and I use a lot of tomatoes for a lot of dishes.
    Everyone is complaining about the crop this year..Ginny

  7. Yummy! Canned tomatoes on the shelf is such a wonderful feeling.

  8. Twofrogshome (Katie) anything on the shelf canned is a wonderful feeling when the snow is on the ground and you want to stay in :o) Ginny
