Tuesday, October 5, 2010

A Farmer never knows what the Day will bring!

This morning when I got up, I knew I wanted  Pancakes and bacon for breakfast, and that's what we had. Then I took a walk outside to view "The Farm" ;o)  and before I could get too far, the Collards in the new box were calling for my attention. When I checked them out, I heard them say  "its time to pick me," Some of the smaller leaves at the bottom were touching the ground and some were turning yellow from it.
The leaves were getting so large I couldn't see them growing any larger and they were truly growing "out of the box". I'm a city girl, but nature talks to you if you listen!
So picking I did,and after Cecil took a look, I had to pick more than I thought I had.
They were beautiful, a few worm holes here and there, but not enough to destroy them. I literally washed each leaf to make sure I didn't miss anything clinging and making sure the "dust" we applied was washed off throughly.  I surprised myself with the way in which I changed my usual way of canning greens, I added some Country ham bits (tablespoon) that I was going to use for cornbread to each jar. (saw that on the Internet, and thought it a good idea, did it with 3 jars which I will label as such).
Not too shabby for a day's work! Greens grown on my own land by my own hand. Gives one a sense of satisfaction.


  1. How nice it will be to open one of these jars later on when you get a real 'hankering' for some greens!

  2. That's a good day's work sitting on your counter there, Ginny. Good for you! You do quite well there on your almost an acre. :-)

  3. mmmmmmmmmmmmm come to my house and can some here tooo!!!!! So much to do so little time!

  4. Ginny those greens look good, bet the ham bits in them will be good. I'm canning potatoes this morning; the grocery store had a 10# bag for 99 cents and that put up 7 quarts! Have a great day.

  5. I was stunned to read that you are a city girl. You, the remarkable gal who grows and cans her own produce, and is always looking for the most productive way to use your acreage. Your harvest of greens is spectacular!

  6. Dorothy,after looking at those greens this morning ,I got the hankering and had to pick a mess from the side garden to have for lunch :o) Ginny

  7. Daisy, We try and use what we already have, knowing we can't buy a larger place at our age. In the old days (before you were born ;o) there was a song : it ain't what you got it's the way that you do it" That's what we try to do with our "Almost an Acre Farm"
    MamaLou, I'd really have a "Field Day" at that farm of yours...I'd break down the wheels of the car with the load I'd take home..better still I'd rent a truck first :o).
    Mamabug: that's a real deal, I'd like to find a deal like that one too.
    Ladydi, my mama raised me to be a Governor's wife, instead I opted to marry a Gardner :o)

  8. There is nothing so satisfying as seeing jars of food you grew and prepared yourself sitting on the shelf!

  9. Deborah, I have to say it's not only satisfying but a great blessing. Last year, we were both flat on our backs, unable to do anything, and this year we are standing and able to enjoy the fruits of our labor. We count ourselves being truly blessed. Ginny
