Tuesday, October 19, 2010

My thriving Little Garden :o)

This is a plot of Brocolli Rabe! which gave me 4 quarts yesterday
When I tried to upload it earlier it would not take .Sooo I cleaned my jars and added them to the "Clanning closet" :o) maybe if you do a close up you can see the tender greens..(it took a lot to make one quart jar) So I'm going to try and wait for them to get bigger.
Behind them is my Garlic, which shot up so quickly. I should have enough once they are ready for the year ..

Next to them are the Rutabaga, whose leaves are really nice and big and look so healthy and tempting.

This is a long shot of the garden at one end to the other..as you can see we seem to have nothing but a field of greens :o) We both love them and I hardly think they will go to waste :o)  A couple of neighbors have already expressed their disire for 
Thanksgiving. Maybe I'll be able to show you the "Side Garden "  that's where I have most of the cabbage and more Collards :o

There are also some Mustard greens just peeking through Rutaba and turnips both sides.


  1. Wow! Your greens and your garden are looking great, Ginny. You'll enjoy them for sure. Everything around here has been done for a while, I think except for a few mums, maybe.

  2. What a cute little garden, Ginny! Looks prolific, too! Enjoy!

  3. Thanks ladies,even though it's small, it still calls for a lot of work :o) Which I don't mind when there is a good harvest :o) Ginny

  4. I like seeing your shadow in the photo! Our own Miss Ginny with camera in hand. I have to hand it to you, Ginny - you're amazing!

  5. I know who my favorite lady is this week :o) The one that thinks I'm amazing. I keep; telling the world I'm an Angel here for a short time! Why don't they belive me, guess I'm just full of the devil :o( Ginny
