Sunday, November 28, 2010

Time to make "Chow Chow Relish" + UPDATE

Now that I have so many Greens to Harvest this time of year from a beautiful bounty! What's a girl to do but make some nice Chow Chow to go with them :o)  I'm a little late doing it, since I've had Greens since Spring! I like to say "Better late than never" :o)  Above you can see all the veggies I will be using in the "Chow Chow Relish" I got the recipe from the Ball Book of Canning, and added a few veggies of my own. like those red hot Jalapeno peppers and a few more colorful veggies. It's funny how so many veggies shrink (All those you see are in the container below)  after 4-6 hours when salt is added. Tomorrow I'll do the boiling of spices and jarring it up... 


Afer a good night's sleep and pushing the morning's work I end up with 13 jars of Chow Chow Relish!  Don't count the 13the Jar, that's the one left for Cecil to try :o)  We usually like it with Greens, but today it was tried with some hot dogs on a bun < it sure was good :o) and Cecil is happy as can be, I think I should have more than tripled the recipe this batch doesn't look like it will be here for long.


  1. Very colorful, Ginny. I've never heard of chow chow relish!

  2. So I'm sitting here with my ball canning book looking at this recipe and it does indeed sound as good as your picture looks. I marked the page and will definately be trying this next summer.:)

  3. Daisy, what you and I have never heard of would make a set of books :o). Guess that's why we "live and learn" :o)

    Mr. H. the sample was very tasty and I'm glad I added a little more spice with the Jalapeno, next batch will be smaller and with Habanero peppers for those real spicy days :o). Ginny

  4. Well, it does look pretty, but I don't enjoy spicy dishes that make my tongue feel like it's on fire. I am impressed with all your lovely jars of relish, though!

  5. Turned out really nice Ginny; bet it's good with those greens! Hugs!

  6. Ladydi, you have to develope a taste for real Spicy food, when you do, you want more of it.

    Mama Bug, the sample jar is half full (or is it half empty :o).
    Tomorrow we will have it with greens..and that will be the proof of the pudding :o) Ginny

  7. Something I'll have to try. That looks yum. It is amazing how much our photos were alike- :-)

  8. Ginny, you sure must have a large pantry or a full one by now - this looks wonderful and so colorful even before being canned. We have never heard of this either - do you know how it got this unusual name? BY the way we waved when we drove through NC on our way home from GA.

  9. Hi Kristi, I did notice how close our Posts were! I wanted to ask what kind of spices did you use that your liquid was so clear?

    Beatrice, I don't know how it got it's unusal name, but I've heard it many times even as a child! It's mostly used with greens or whenever you want a spicey treat.
    I thought I heard somebody say " Hey Ginny, "How you doing" with a long drawl on the "doing" :o) Ginny

  10. I've never heard of chow chow relish before. Is it like kimchi?

  11. Deborah, Chow Chow is a mixture of veggies and "pickled" with a choice of heat (peppers). I've heard that Kimchi is made of Fermented Cabbage , and maybe some spices only. Ginny
