Monday, December 20, 2010

Chicken and Potatoes

I'm a day late putting  this meal on the blog from yesterday, What your looking at is Sweet potatoes and white potatoes with onions,thyme and other seasoning and Agave nectar sprinkled all over ...just had to use up more of those potatoes before they started growing eyes :o)  Then I seasoned up a couple  of chicken legs wrapped some bacon strips on them and roasted them at the same time ..
while I prepared 10 more pounds of chicken legs to cook, debone and cut up for chicken salad & the latter I put into my "new baby"packets and promptly put them into the freezer .. which I got 6 packs /8oz each That's steamed cabbage for the veggie.

Then I'm such a smarty pants, I took the stock from the first batch and this second batch and got These 10 quart jars of chicken stock..One is Corn beef Stock I saved for another dish..I'm not counting the first bag of chicken legs, that I cut the backs out in order to make some home made soup or just fry them up for a Saturday snack (or any day snack) :o)I got up this morning tired! but ready to finish up the project so I could sit back on my laurels :o) 


  1. WOW you sure are putting up a lot of food, Ginny. No cold winter day will catch you unprepared that's for sure. Do you have a very large freezer to store everything?

  2. Beatrice, sometimes I think the freezer needs a mate!
    It starts to clear out once I start using then it seems to empty out quickly to make room for more.I always try to stay prepared with sales etc. that's the best way to go.. Ginny

  3. Ginny your meal looks delicious. That's the kind of food that would warm you up on a cold day like we had today. :-D

  4. You ARE a smartypants! I admire your hard work!

  5. After seeing your post, we had chicken and potatoes for dinner, too! It was delicious. Thanks for the inspiration!

  6. Laurie thanks for the compliment! Everyone needs to be encouraged a little sometimes.

    Ladydi, I'm glad you enjoyed the dinner, and I'm glad If I was an inspiration of joy :o), just don't blame me for the pounds you gain :o)...
