Sunday, December 26, 2010

Living in a Winter Wonder Land in NORTH CAROLINA!

 Don't have any special plans for dinner today.. I've got a big container of Collards I can whip into , just have to decide early what kind of meat to unfreeze.. Don't have to worry about anyone but Cecil and I for dinner, and sometimes we go light, cause we can.

UPDATE;  The door bell rang! and to our surprise one of neighbors had shoveled our driveway and cleaned the snow off the car. We didn't hear a thing! Wasn't that a nice thing to do :o) Not only did he shovel the snow he brought back an empty jar for more of my "Chow Chow". I think I got the best end of the treat, and he does too. Today that makes me feel all warm and fuzzy :o) Now NC almost feels like home, if there were more "old fashioned" people around like him to make you feel you belonged.


  1. Oh my goodness, Ginny! You got quite a lot of snow for North Carolina! We didn't get any new snow this time around, but it's still on the ground from before. I'm glad to hear you're staying inside, safe and warm. :-)

  2. Daisy, we were expecting snow but never did we think we would get this much! NC really hasn't be geared to deal with this much. So far they are handling it. The main streets are cleared to a degree, but the side streets aren't... No matter I'm in until the Sun takes it away :o)...Ginny

  3. Oh Ginny, your grounds are getting such good moisture! Such pretty pictures.Here in west Texas, the cotton fields are bare and brown and the ranchlands and prairie are golden and dry. Have a wonderful New year! blessings,Kathleen

  4. Thank you Kathleen! Blessings to you also. There is something pretty about the Prairie being golden and dry..guess we both get a good look at what Mother Nature can do.:o) You have a blessed New Year too!

  5. looks to be as cold at your place as it is at ours. You have nice neighbors.:)

  6. Mr H It really is cold, now is the time I wish I had a real old fashioned Pot Belly Stove! bet it would be toasty in here then..I'm thinking that's something else to wish for besides chickens :o)...Ginny

  7. Well phooey, that puts a damper on the winter harvest; it is pretty, though! So glad to hear you have such nice neighbors.

  8. Ginny, your snow scenes sure do look pretty - best viewed from indoors - we were out today shoveling our snowvall off cars and clearning the praking area. The VA eastern shore isn't prepared for any kind of significant snowfall so local roads will have to wait until the sun shines to melt it away.

  9. Ladydi, there is only joy and not a damper about the winter Harvest@, I am so glad I decided to do it before the Snow came..and boy! the snow piled on I kept thinking how happy I was that I didn't lose that cabbage that we worked so hard to grow. I feel good that it's in the freezer only waiting for my desire for it:o)
    Beatrice, from the window is the only way I want to look at it for now..I don't want to fall and hurt myself being careless.I'm not as surefooted as I used to be.

  10. Enjoy your wonderland!
    (ps: my daughter claims a wonderland is a place that's pink and full of rainbows).

  11. 6512, tell Rosie I agree, as long as they have Peppermint trees with lollypop branches :o) and Marshmellows for pillows to sit on every few steps :o)
    and Chocolate Bunnies to play with ...Ginny ( a very old child :o)

  12. we had over a foot of snow while visiting my folks in maryland for the holidays. my sister was happy to have a white christmas, and i was happy to be able to help my father to shovel the snow from the walks. and mention of chow chow made me think of the jars of chow chow that were given as gifts each christmas to my father by one of his patients. we always ate them with turnip greens and purple hull peas. since that time i've tried to make chow chow - but it's just not the same.

  13. Patrick, somehow the foods never taste the same as they did in childhood..and the Snow never gets as high as it did during childhood (except this last snow :o)
