Saturday, December 4, 2010

Two Surpises in One Day

First Snow
Three hours later from Bedroom window
The First surprise came about 10 am, Cecil and I had what we call a "wake up breakfast" Toast and our favorite drinks, his is always coffee. After sitting in our "Chair Beds" and just relaxing to wake up! The door bell rings! ugh! I thought, the first morning I didn't make my bed early and someone is ringing the door bell! Cecil checks it and says, it's some Man!. He opens the door and this man walks into the room, and it's my Son :o)  what a surprise, his siblings knew about it but kept it quiet.  I haven't been out of my apron since, he eats three times as much as Cecil and twice as often :o).
The Second surprise was Snow! it promised to just be a flurry and I decided I'd better go pick some greens before it got bad. I picked all the turnips so I wouldn't lose them and I'm glad I did...they were absolutely delicious < my son remembered we ate the tops in NJ and Cecil was surprised that he hadn't remembered when I told him so. We women are always right :o) I don't have time to spend this afternoon  gabbing on the blog, I've already cooked two pots of Greens
(turnips and mixed) and a pan of cornbread, that's half gone.
Saturday's is usually my "Bean" Day and I won't deviate from it ..I have some nice smoked ham hocks and some "field peas"  I will cook them today, and tomorrow I'll bake that Pork Roast I've been marinating for the last two days.
My Son brought us some treats from NY.. Pastrami sandwiches (enough meat in them for three big sandwich's instead of one) and some NY Knishes and don't forget the pickles  yummy...


  1. Oh my goodness, Ginny! Look at all that snow! We had some a few days ago, but it has since melted again.

    What a wonderful surprise that your son came to visit you. I hope you have a great time while he's there. How nice that he brought you treats too! :-)

  2. Daisy it was supposed to be just some flurries that would hardly be noticed:o) Instead it's causing a lot of Church's to be closed in the morning, bet the Devil is sorry about that one : o)..Satan won't be in the Choir in the morning :o).
    Yes, it was a pleasant surprise to see him walk in, I think I must have given him a bear hug, at least I didn't cry ( I wouldn't let myself, I saw Cecil swelling up :o) We are having fun, just eating and catching up. Ginny

  3. How wonderful that you were so blessed today! First the beautiful peaceful snow and then your son. I hope you and Cecil are having a wonderful time with your son. We serve an awesome God! Those were great snow photos. Ginny you've got to post a photo of your son for all of us to see.

  4. Mama bug, The snow was a blessing in disguise, maybe it will help kill the flu bug going around. Although it was only to be a flurry. Yes, we serve an awesome God! With that I agree..If my son will hold his head up from his plate long enough, maybe I can get a shot :o)of him to post. :o) Ginny

  5. How nice to be visited by your son on a snowy day!! Stay warm and enjoy!No snow here........just the white dusty dust from the cotton ginning. blessings,Kathleen

  6. Hey Kathleen, hope your warm and cozy with the dusty mist of cotton :o). We told our son he brought the Snow so he better enjoy looking at it :o). His focus now on "what's mommy gonna cook!" :o) I've already cooked more than the fridge can hold, the Patio table and the weather is helping with storage until dinner time.

  7. We are here in RI and there is no snow, so it was great to see these shots, Ginny.

  8. Awww what a surprise. We got lucky and only had flurries here, I agree that the cold weather is welcomed. I just hope that last years snow won't repeat itself. Now I can't wait to hear what fabulous dishes you make for your son♥

  9. What full! Snow and a visit from your son! Plus turnip greens and corn bread! It doesn't get any better than that!
    Have agood week!

  10. Beatrice, the snow is pretty on this Monday morning , but it's cold and I do mean cold..I almost forgot how cold winter can be in the last 11 years here in NC.

    Cici glad to know your still here, maybe the snow brought you here too :o). I have had my apron on long enough, it's time for him to go home to his wife!:o)

    Dorothy my son has eaten a whole patch of greens, next year I better plant three times as much, my kids love them and have no shame in asking for Thirds :o).

  11. that sounds like a lovely day, except the snow of course... to tell the truth i'm already tired of it and its just started!

  12. Ohiofarmgirl, I'm about sick of it too! It's cold outside and causing the furnice to keep going on inside and it's not that warm and I had to increase it, to keep the sniffles down..Ginny
