Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Pear and Apple Cobbler by request

My daughter came to visit and take care of family business and requested  one of the Cobblers she has been looking at on my blog at times. So I obliged and made this one and it taste as good as it looks , I've had to limit my intake because of my B/S :o(  I think I've done pretty well for myself. I take small portions of it and early in the day to give myself time to wear it off.:o)
The weather here in NC is terrible, the snow seems to make it colder than ever..My daughter left Greensboro to make a flight  and got stuck in the airport for two days and has to spend the next one still in NC. We were helpless to give her any assistance, the roads were too bad to try and reach her to bring her back ...I didn't want her to leave in the beginning because I feared she would get stuck, but she had a meeting and tried to make it anyway. At least we had enjoyed her company For awhile and she enjoyed "Mama's cooking". :o) 

Update: I forgot to mention that we tried the Red and Regular cabbage leaves that I put away and I'm here to tell you they were out of this world delicious..We definitely will be growing them again and again.


  1. Ginny I was about to wonder where you were. Glad you were able to have your daughter visit. It's no fun getting stuck in all that snow. Hope she made it back safe. All this weather is good for is snuggling up with someone you love!

  2. Snuggling sounds good to me, it's cold as the dickens here in NC ...Wish I lived somewhere warmer , I'm ready to start gardening again. :o)..Ginny

  3. Shame on you for allowing me to see this so early in the morning...it looks delicious and now I am hungry.:) Too bad about your nasty weather, hopefully this will be the last bad month of it for you...starting to snow again here too.

  4. Mr H. I'm just a bad egg! I can gain a pound just looking at it, and we all know misery loves company :o)

  5. hi Ginny! oh i can just TASTE that from here! spectacular! and dont you just love that Victorian Farm series? i think i watched 5 hours of the Edwardian Farm yesterday. and i'm learning so much from it!

  6. Ohiofarmgirl, that dessert ran my B/S up :o( but I enjoyed it so much I'll have to exercise more :o).
    I love those series and plan to watch more of them and I may get that book of recipes etc. that they are from.

  7. Holy cow, that looks tasty. Will try to convince the wifey to create this recipe.


  8. Ginny, the food you cook always looks delicious, but your desserts look especially inviting to me. (probably because I have a sweet tooth!) :D

    I can almost imagine how good that cobbler smelled when you were baking it. :-)

  9. Daisy, funny thing, but as I smell I'm really tasting even though I try to get my B/S down ( that's the best excuse ever :o) Ginny
