Monday, January 17, 2011

Roasted Duck covered in Orange Sauce

I had forgotten just how rich Duck was. I haven't made it in quite a while, here in NC it seems frozen was the only available ones. I got tired of turning my nose up at them and decided to get one during the Holidays..So here she is all roasted and covered with Orange sauce that came with her.
I prefer Mint Jelly with Duck which surprising I didn't have any and refused to ask Cecil to go get some..I decided to try the Orange sauce, it wasn't bad, but nothing to write home about. I may have to get some Mint Jelly so I don't feel I'm missing out. Another idea I think I'd better use is having Penny help me save most of the rest, it's very filling. I'd appreciate it again later when I don't feel like cooking much or just having a Saturday snack.

I thought someone else might like to know how I cooked my Duck! So....
I usually season up duck like I would a chicken with my spices and a little white wine and marinate it for a day or so.  Then I ( Uncovered) Roast it on a rack that's over a pan of water in a 350 oven (belly down first) then turn it over after an hour or more..then just let it roast (belly up) until its nice and crispy brown...Can't tell you what temperature it's supposed to be..Duck is all Dark Meat, that makes it very rich, but good eatin. I think you'd like it


  1. I've never had duck Ginny, but that looks absolutely wonderful. Any tips on cooking duck?

  2. Mama-bug, I usually season up duck like I would a chicken with my spices and a little white wine and marinate it for a day or so. Then I ( Uncovered) Roast it on a rack that's over a pan of water in a 350 oven (belly down first) then turn it over after an hour or more..then just let it roast (belly up) until its nice and crispy brown...Can't tell you what temperature it's supposed to be..Duck is all Dark Meat, that makes it very rich, but good eatin. I think you'd like it

  3. Long Island (Where I live) used to be famous for its ducks. There still is a farm or two here. I've lived here all my life but never cooked one. It is one of my favorites and I usually order it out if it's on the menu. Yours looks absolutely luscious! And you make it sound so easy, I might just have to give making it a try!
    IMHO, it tastes a lot like dark turkey meat!

  4. Hi Ginnie, I have never cooked duck myself, but Grenville did once. We have enjoyed it in Chinese restaurants. Yours looked good, but I prefer to cook chicken myself.

  5. Mom2fur, it is easy and your so near the live source,
    Take the chance and try it...I'm sure you will be successful....Ginny

  6. Beatice, don't be a chicken by ducking the duck :o)
    You too can do it...Ginny

  7. I've never tasted duck, Ginny. Yours looks very good! I think I'd like the orange better than mint, but I'd try either one. :)

  8. Daisy, I don't know if I should say Duck is a required taste or not! I know I have a taste for it every once in a while, it was in my childhood, since moving here to NC I don't hear many people mentioning it or see it other than frozen in the stores.

  9. That duck brings back memmories, we use to have duck instead of turkey every Thanksgiving...yours looks quite tasty.

  10. Mr H. my Mom would have Duck,Turkey, Ham and or a Half small Pig, and whatever else she would cook when her Family would come for the Holidays, She was the eldest (and head) of Eight Siblings.
