Saturday, February 5, 2011

What's for Dinner?

Restless night last night! That didn't mean Laundry could be skipped :o(   Like to get it done on Friday nights, but I needed to just skip it ..until today...
Well it's evening, Laundry is done and put away... Dinner has come and gone :o) 

Dinner was light! One Pork Chop each marinated in wine and spices for an hour, while finishing up the laundry...and a package of my homemade pre-cooked $2.00 potatoes, seasoned up with  lots of spices and topped with butter so they wouldn't dry out! ( I even sprinkled some Rosemary from my garden on them...They were delicious and we both enjoyed them..not bad for a Saturday quick dinner...I'll make up with the veggies tomorrow .
Thought I was being funny showing you the bones left from the chop Hehehe..That's how good it was :o)   By the way, the plate you see if one I like to sit in my "Chair Bed" and watch TV while I goes good for most everything except soup :o)...      


  1. Well, it must have been good, Ginny. I don't see much left on that plate! HA! Laundry seems to be never ending at my house even though I do it three times a week. Hope you and Cecil have a nice week ahead! :)

  2. haha Daisy, I even sucked on the bone a bit :o)
    Sometime I'm caught up with laundry and then all of a sudden it seems everything piles up with one day missed! It's like a never ending story. :o(

  3. Ginny, dinner looked good and it obviously was. As for laundry, even though there are only 2 of us in the house, it sure mounts up quickly, more so in the colder months because of wearing more items. Wed and Sat are usually my days.

  4. Well, it looks like it was good to the last drop.........or bite! Hope this finds you staying well and warm! blessings,Kathleen

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  6. Kathleen, it was good to the last bite :o) and I'm trying to stay safe and warm...The weather here is contrary! It looks and feels like more rain and snow, and a late Spring...but my front tree is telling me that Spring is on the way , we can see buds on the tree :o) hooray!
